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Monday, September 21, 2015

Kali ini saya akan share tutorial surfing internet aman menggunakan BackBox Anonymous Tools. Fitur bawaan BackBox Linux ini adalah script yang bisa mengubah mac address, ip, hostname kalian sementara.

Oke pertama buka terminal.

ketik sudo anonymous start

Do you want to change the MAC address? [Y/n] > y

Select network interfaces [wlan0] > wlan0

 * New MAC: 00:00:98:06:95:c1 (CROSSCOMM CORPORATION)

Do you want to change the local hostname? [Y/n] > y

Type it or press Enter for a random one > jembut

 * DHCP address released

 * Service hostname stop/waiting

 * Hostname changed to jembut

Do you want to transparently routing traffic through Tor? [Y/n] > y

 * Saved iptables rules

 * Deleted all iptables rules

 * Service resolvconf stop/waiting

 * Modified resolv.conf to use Tor

 * Service network-manager start/running, process 6963

 * Stopping tor daemon...                                               [ OK ] 

 * Starting tor daemon...                                               [ OK ] 

Ketik anonymous status untuk melihat status id baru kita.

Sekian tutor kali ini , semoga bermanfaat.

Different Themes
Written by Kcnewbie

Ikatlah ilmu dengan menuliskanya.