Oke pertama buka terminal.
ketik sudo anonymous start
Do you want to change the MAC address? [Y/n] > y
Select network interfaces [wlan0] > wlan0
* New MAC: 00:00:98:06:95:c1 (CROSSCOMM CORPORATION)
Do you want to change the local hostname? [Y/n] > y
Type it or press Enter for a random one > jembut
* DHCP address released
* Service hostname stop/waiting
* Hostname changed to jembut
Do you want to transparently routing traffic through Tor? [Y/n] > y
* Saved iptables rules
* Deleted all iptables rules
* Service resolvconf stop/waiting
* Modified resolv.conf to use Tor
* Service network-manager start/running, process 6963
* Stopping tor daemon... [ OK ]
* Starting tor daemon... [ OK ]
Ketik anonymous status untuk melihat status id baru kita.
Sekian tutor kali ini , semoga bermanfaat.