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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Today i am going to show you what's new in visual studio 2015
The release of Visual Studio 2015 RTM. This Release to Manufacturing (RTM) of Visual Studio includes many new features and updates, such as tools for Universal Windows app development, cross-platform mobile development for iOS, Android, and Windows, including Xamarin, Apache Cordova, Unity, and more.

What's in Visual Studio 2015 RTM

  • Visual Studio C++ for Cross-Platform Development
  • Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova
  • Visual Studio Emulator for Android
  • Visual Studio Tools for Universal Windows App Development
  • Visual C++
  • C# and Visual Basic
  • F#
  • .NET Framework 4.6
  • Entity Framework
  • Visual Studio IDE
  • Blend
  • Debugging and Diagnostics
  • Azure
  • NuGet
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • IntelliTest
  • Application Insights
  • Release Management
  • Single Sign-In
  • Git Version Control
  • CodeLens
  • Architecture, Design, and Modeling
  • XAML Language Service
  • Miscellaneous
Other changes:
  • Bug Fixes & Known Issues

Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova

 known as Multi-Device Hybrid Apps for Visual Studio, the Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova make it easy to build, debug, and test cross-platform apps that target Android, iOS, Windows, and Windows Phone from one simple Visual Studio project.
All of the features available in previous CTPs are now available in the Visual Studio 2015 RC, including the following improvements:
  • Update on save for Ripple – no need to rebuild!
  • Debug an iOS version of your app from Visual Studio when it is deployed to the iOS Simulator or a connected device on a Mac
  • Improved security and simplified configuration for the included remote iOS build agent
  • An improved plugin management experience that includes support for adding custom plugins to your project from Git or the filesystem
  • Select platform-specific configuration options from an improved config.xml designer
  • Support for Apache Cordova 4.0.0.
They listened to your feedback and broadened the number of devices you can debug to, as follows:
  • Android 4.4, Android 4.3 and earlier with jsHybugger
  • iOS 6, 7, and 8
  • Windows Store 8.1
Then, we broadened our debugging support further. You can now debug your Apache Cordova apps that target Windows Phone 8.1.
You can set breakpoints, inspect variables, use the console, and perform other debugging tasks on your Windows Phone 8.1 emulator or attached device.

Visual Studio Emulator for Android

This is a most intresting new feature added visual studio You can use the Visual Studio Emulator for Android either in a cross-platform project in Visual Studio (Xamarin or C++), or in Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova. The emulator allows you to switch between different platform emulators without Hyper-V conflicts. It supports a wide variety of sensors and simulations, including GPS/Location, accelerometer, screen rotation, zoom, SD card, camera, multi-touch, and network access. It also supports Android versions 4.4 (KitKat, API Level 19) and 5.0 (Lollipop, API Level 21).
The Visual Studio Emulator for Android supports both WiFi simulation and the ability to choose from several different device hardware configurations.
And now, new in RTM:
  • New platforms. Jellybean (API 17) and Lollipop 5.1 (API 22) images are available.
  • Command-line interface. Navigating to %programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Emulator Manager\1.0\emulatorcmd.exe in a command prompt will allow you to interact with the emulator manager (list, install, start profiles, etc.) without a UI.
  • Drag-and-drop zip libraries. Dragging and dropping a flashable zip onto the emulator will now automatically unpack and install it.
  • SD Card tab. This new tab in the "Additional Tools" window allows you to push and pull data to and from the SD Card.
  • Acquire on its own. The emulator can be installed on a machine without requiring you to install Visual Studio. A shortcut to the Emulator Manager appears in the Start menu so that you can start it and use it from any development tool chain.
New GPU Usage tool
The GPU Usage tool in Visual Studio 2015 can be used to understand GPU usage of DirectX applications. Frame Time, Frame Rate, and GPU Utilization graphs are available while the applications are running live. In addition, by collecting and analyzing detailed GPU usage data, this tool can provide insights into the CPU and GPU execution time of individual DirectX events, and therefore can be useful to determine whether the CPU or GPU is the performance bottleneck.

Code Editor UI and Editing

More Amazing thing is Here The code editor UI and editing experiences for C# and Visual Basic have been replaced with new experiences built on the .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn"). Many of the features you love today have been improved or revamped.
Light bulbs are the new home for all quick actions you take in the Visual Studio Editor, including fixes to common code issues and refactoring code. When you have issues in your code, a light bulb shows suggested fixes for those issues. All refactoring operations have been moved to the light bulb, which you can access any time by typing Ctrl + <dot>.
and many more i will show you when i explore all the new tools  you can free download it from visual studio official website
Different Themes
Written by Kcnewbie

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